somewhat interesting....
although NG RPG's have come so far from the simplistic 1 on 1 back and fourth that used to besoawesome back in 2002. This really seemed more like a movie with buttons more then an actual RPG simply due to the fact that I could use any option an infinite amount of times. I mean maybe if it cost mp or something to use certain attacks then it would make it more difficult and more gamelike. Although even then this is still pretty random and there's no story before or after it. My advice would be too improve your game and maybe add a story and some special mp costing attacks. I know your probably still learning code and feel this is a great accomplishment that you wanted to share with everyone but honestly this is not up to par with the more modern RPG standards. I'm not trying to sound mean or anything but as someone who has created his own RPG's here on NG I figured I could give some good constructive advice. So, to conclude, keep learning AS, and try to improve your RPG system, then submit something that people will really enjoy playing. Hope this review helps